
The Junior League of Philadelphia Hosted Annual May Celebration to Recap a Successful League Year
Members Celebrated 35 Volunteer Events, 120,000 Pounds of Food Packed, 9,720 Hours of Student Programming, and Much More!

The Junior League of Philadelphia (JLP) celebrated a successful league year at their annual May Celebration on Wednesday, May 22, 2024, at Bryn Mawr College. JLP members discussed upcoming recruitment events, statistics from the 2023-2024 league year, and announced their new president.

Junior League of Philadelphia members at May Celebration 2024
Junior League of Philadelphia members at May Celebration 2024. Photo credit: BeauMonde Originals

The end-of-year celebration featured lawn games, a cocktail reception, and a three-course dinner. Members were encouraged to wear items they had purchased throughout the year at the JLP Thrift Shop, where proceeds benefit the JLP’s community projects.

May Celebration 2024
May Celebration 2024. Photo credit: BeauMonde Originals

State of the League updates were given by the Chief Operating Officer, Pam Phojanakong, where she stated in the 2023-2024 League year the JLP:

  • Hosted 35 Done in Day volunteer events with a total of 218 volunteers
  • Packed almost 120,000 pounds of food with their Food to Families program
  • Impacted 820 kids with 9,720 hours of student programming with their Kids in the Kitchen program
  • Raised $43,618 for their annual fund and over $688,000 in sales from the JLP Thrift Shop
    Victoria Lynch Mullane, recipient of the President’s Cup Award and Stephanie Rhein Lippincott, 2023-2024 League President. Photo Credit: BeauMonde Originals
    Victoria Lynch Mullane and Stephanie Rhein Lippincott, 2023-2024 League President. Photo Credit: BeauMonde Originals
At the event, they announced Victoria Mullane as the recipient of the President’s Cup Award, given to a woman whose work behind the scenes often  goes unnoticed but is essential to JLP operations.
They also hosted a ceremony to welcome the new 2024-2025 League Year President, Kate Hall, where she said a few words including:

“Our theme for the 2024-2025 League Year is Building Community Through Service Together. Our goal is to continue to focus on not only the city of Philadelphia but the region at large through continuing to find and strengthen partnerships with both our current Community Partners along with new Community Partners outside of the city including the areas of Norristown, Camden, and Coatesville,” said Kate Hall, 2024-2025 League Year President.

Kate Hall, 2024-2025 League Year President and Stephanie Rhein Lippincott, 2023-2024 League President
Kate Hall, 2024-2025 League Year President and Stephanie Rhein Lippincott, 2023-2024 League President. Photo Credit: BeauMonde Originals

Anyone looking to get involved with the JLP is welcome to join one of their upcoming recruitment events. Prospective members will hear from current members about the JLP mission, key community service initiatives, the application process, and “why” they joined. Upcoming recruitment events include:

  • May 29, 2024 – 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at JLP Headquarters – 27 Lancaster Avenue, Ardmore, PA 19003
  • June 13, 2024 – 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at Workhorse Brewing – 250 King Manor Dr Suite 300, King of Prussia, PA 19406
  • June 26, 2024 – 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Victory Brewing Company – 1776 Benjamin Franklin Pkwy, Philadelphia, PA 19103
    Junior League of Philadelphia May Celebration
    New member class 2023-2024. Photo Credit: BeauMonde Originals

For more information about the Junior League of Philadelphia, please visit their website. Anyone interested in becoming a member should fill out this form. Stay up to date with the organization’s events and news by following their InstagramFacebook, and Twitter. For media inquiries and/or interview requests, please contact

About The Junior League of Philadelphia

The Junior League of Philadelphia, Inc. (JLP) is an organization of women whose mission is to advance women’s leadership for meaningful community impact through volunteer action, collaboration, and training. The JLP welcomes all women who value its mission. They are committed to inclusive environments of diverse individuals, organizations, and communities. Since 1912, the JLP has been committed to addressing the many aspects of health and wellness in underserved communities in the Greater Philadelphia area, whether it’s creating community gardens or providing nutritious meals to families in need. With over 700 trained volunteers who contribute thousands of hours of service annually, the JLP empowers women volunteers to make meaningful change happen within the communities it proudly serves.

All JLP Members Invited to the 2024 Annual Meeting

Each year, we hold our Annual Meeting to conduct the most important business of our organization. The Board of Directors, based on recommendations from the Project Advisory Committee, proposes the community work in which we will engage and the fundraisers we will conduct to support our mission. If needed, the Board proposes the adoption of, or amendment to, significant programs and/or policies. After Annual Meeting, members vote electronically on the motions presented.
This year’s Annual Meeting will take place on April 15 at the Warwick Hotel in Center City. The Placement Fair and Cocktail Hour begins at 6 p.m. with the Annual Meeting following at 7 p.m. All New Members, Actives, Transfers, and Sustainers are welcome. This event counts as an Annual Meeting credit to those in attendance.

Members are required to review the Voting Packet prior to the event. Please see you email for more details.

Additionally, we will also be collecting food items at Annual Meeting to support the Garden of Health Food Drive. See the JLP calendar for more information on the specific items needed.  

We’re looking forward to seeing everyone at Annual Meeting!

PRESS RELEASE: Volunteers Gathered for Spring Service Weekend with the Junior League of Philadelphia

The Women’s Organization is Also Hosting
Philly in Full Bloom: A Junior League Market on May 11!

PHILADELPHIA, PA (March 28, 2024) – The Junior League of Philadelphia (JLP) hosted a Spring Service Weekend with community partners from Friday, March 15, 2024 to Sunday, March 17, 2024. The JLP is an organization of women whose mission is to advance women’s leadership for meaningful community impact through volunteer action, collaboration, and training.

To start, on Friday, March 15, the JLP’s Done in a Day Committee hosted a Sandwich Making Social at their headquarters where they made 200 turkey and bologna sandwiches for Cathedral Kitchen. One of JLP’s long-standing partners, Cathedral Kitchen provides over 100,000 meals a year, in addition to providing meals for local after-school programs and other organizations.

Sandwich Making at HQ

Photo Credit: BeauMonde Originals

On Saturday, March 16, the JLP visited the Share Food Program where they took a hands-on approach to addressing food insecurity. They helped load 350 boxes for the DoorDash Delivery Program and packed 320 boxes for the Senior Food Program. Their efforts totaled 20,994 pounds of food packed and delivered to the greater Philadelphia area. The JLP Food to Families Committee has been partnering with Share for nine years and they volunteer at Share’s warehouse monthly to help empower Share’s impact within the community.

Group Image 1Group Image 2

Photos Courtesy of the JLP

Also on March 16, another group of JLP members volunteered at the Ronald McDonald House with the Served with Love meal program to prepare and serve dinner.

On Sunday, March 17, at the JLP headquarters, members assembled 550 outreach packages with donations and cards to support Angels in Motion. Angels in Motion is changing the way those suffering with substance use disorder are treated one life at a time. Before this event, the JLP hosted two other events where they collected over 500 items to sort and pack into the outreach packages and a card-making event with Narcan training.

Group Image 3

Photo Courtesy of the JLP

Along with Spring Service Weekend, the JLP also volunteered at Face to Face on March 9 and March 24. They assisted with kitchen duties such as chopping vegetables and helping set up, serve, and clean up the day’s meals. Face to Face relieves suffering in their guests by giving them support to meet their immediate needs through their core programs – meal, legal center, health center, and social services center.

Group Image 4

Photo Courtesy of the JLP

The JLP will host their fourth Spring Market fundraiser, Philly in Full Bloom, on Saturday, May 11, 2024, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The JLP will host local businesses and vendors at Philadelphia’s historic 23rd Street Armory for a day of shopping and supporting a great cause! Guests will be surrounded by the city’s many sights and sounds of the spring season while they shop and connect with some of Philadelphia’s best artisans, creators, and vendors. Tickets can be purchased here.

For more information about the Junior League of Philadelphia, please visit their website. Anyone interested in becoming a member should fill out this form. Stay up to date with the organization’s events and news by following their InstagramFacebook, and Twitter. For media inquiries and/or interview requests, please contact

About The Junior League of Philadelphia

The Junior League of Philadelphia, Inc. (JLP) is an organization of women whose mission is to advance women’s leadership for meaningful community impact through volunteer action, collaboration, and training. The JLP welcomes all women who value its mission. They are committed to inclusive environments of diverse individuals, organizations, and communities. Since 1912, the JLP has been committed to addressing the many aspects of health and wellness in underserved communities in the Greater Philadelphia area, whether it’s creating community gardens or providing nutritious meals to families in need. With over 700 trained volunteers who contribute thousands of hours of service annually, the JLP empowers women volunteers to make meaningful change happen within the communities it proudly serves.

Announcing the 2024-2025 JLP Board

The Nominating Committee is excited to announce the Junior League of Philadelphia Board for the 2024-2025 League year:

  • President, Kate Hall
  • President-Elect, Pam Phojanakong
  • Secretary, Adrienne Taylor
  • Director of Development, Victoria Lynch Mullane
  • Parliamentarian, Jenn Adams
  • Nominating Chair, Natalie Caldwell
  • Treasurer, Rose Cuozzo
  • Chief Operating Officer, Erin Nanovic
  • DEIB Chair, Jennifer May
  • Assistant to the President, Jacqui Rothera
PRESS RELEASE: Junior League of Philadelphia Joins Forces with Community Partners to Give Back This Holiday Season

Junior League of Philadelphia Joins Forces with Community Partners to Give Back This Holiday Season 

The JLP to Host Multiple Volunteer Events and Encourage Guests to Shop Local and Sustainable at Their Thrift Shop During December

Philadelphia, PA (December 12, 2023) – Throughout the month of December the Junior League of Philadelphia (JLP) will host multiple volunteer events with their members including one on December 16, 2023 at Share Food Program. The JLP is committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women, and improving communities through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers.

At the Share Food Program event on December 16, JLP members will take a hands-on approach to addressing food insecurity. They will sort, pack, and prepare boxes of food for delivery to seniors through Share’s Senior Food Box Program. The Senior Food Box Program feeds more than 7,000 seniors in Philadelphia, Montgomery, and Chester counties and delivers more than 3,000 food boxes directly to their homes each month. These nutritious boxes include fruits, juices, vegetables, cheese, milk, meat, poultry, fish, plant-based protein, cereals, pasta, and rice. The JLP Food to Families Committee has been partnering with Share for nine years and they volunteer at Share’s warehouse on a monthly basis. This is the JLP’s largest event with Share as they prepare for the holidays.

Share Event, Group JLP Photo

On December 17, members will help pack and deliver food boxes that include nutritious kosher food and household items at Jewish Relief Agency. Then on December 20, members will gather at the Community Center at Visitation Polar Express Toy Drive. Throughout the year, the JLP volunteers with the Community Center at Visitation supporting their community events. At the Toy Drive, JLP will be sponsoring a Hot Chocolate Bar and members will be serving hot chocolate.

In the new year, they will continue their volunteering efforts at Face to Face on January 6, 2024. They will assist with kitchen duties such as chopping vegetables and help set-up, serve, and clean-up the day’s meal.

Three JLP Volunteers at an event in Fall 2023.

2 JLP Volunteers at a Fall 2023 event.

For those looking to support the Junior League of Philadelphia, the Junior League Thrift Shop is a great place to shop for holiday gifts. The Thrift Shop carries gently used merchandise including designer clothing, shoes, handbags, jewelry, select furniture, household and home décor items, toys, and books. Proceeds from the Shop benefit the JLP’s community projects. Shop locally and sustainably this holiday season!

Photo of JLP Thrift Shop

For more information, please visit their website. Stay up to date with the organization’s events and news by following their InstagramFacebook, and Twitter. For media inquiries and/or interview requests, please contact

About The Junior League of Philadelphia

The Junior League of Philadelphia, Inc. (JLP) is an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women, and improving communities through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable. The JLP welcomes all women who value its mission. We are committed to inclusive environments of diverse individuals, organizations, and communities. Since 1912, the JLP has been committed to addressing the many aspects of health and wellness in underserved communities in the Greater Philadelphia area, whether it’s creating community gardens or providing nutritious meals to families in need. With over 900 trained volunteers who contribute more than 75,000 hours of service worth an estimated $1.5 million annually, the JLP empowers women volunteers to make meaningful change happen within the communities it proudly serves.

PRESS RELEASE: The Junior League of Philadelphia Hosts Fall Fête Fundraising Masquerade

The Junior League of Philadelphia Hosts Fall Fête Fundraising Masquerade 

The Event Raised Funds to go Toward Fighting Food Insecurity and Improving the Greater Philadelphia Community. 

Philadelphia, PA (October 31, 2023) – The Junior League of Philadelphia (JLP) hosted their Fall Fête Fundraising Masquerade cocktail party on Friday, October 27, 2023. The event had a successful turnout at U-Bahn while raising funds to go toward fighting food insecurity and improving the Greater Philadelphia community. The JLP is about developing the capacity of women as volunteers and leaders. This event was an exclusive opportunity for women to come together and network.

JLP Fall Fete 2023, seven members photographed

Photo Credit: BeauMonde Originals

The fundraising event for JLP members and their guests featured cocktails, heavy hors d-oeuvres, and a silent auction. Some of the auction items included a Cabo Getaway, NFL Tickets, Ballroom Dance Lessons, and many more.

“Our Fall Fête was a huge success! The Junior League of Philadelphia brings like-minded women looking to make a positive impact on the community together and that is exactly what this event did,” said Stephanie Lippincott, President of the Junior League Philadelphia. “The money raised at Fall Fête will go towards fighting food insecurity and improving the Greater Philadelphia community. Food insecurity is more than hunger, it is an all-encompassing condition that affects all areas of a person’s life — including overall health, education, and housing. The JLP’s goal is to help alleviate not just hunger, but the connected disparities.”

Fall Fete 2023 Event Photo

Fall Fete Group Photo with three members

Photo Credit: BeauMonde Originals

The Junior League of Philadelphia is committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women, and improving communities through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. For more information, please visit their website. Stay up to date with the organization’s events and news by following their InstagramFacebook, and Twitter. For media inquiries and/or interview requests, please contact

About The Junior League of Philadelphia

 The Junior League of Philadelphia, Inc. (JLP) is an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women, and improving communities through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable. The JLP welcomes all women who value its mission. We are committed to inclusive environments of diverse individuals, organizations, and communities. Since 1912, the JLP has been committed to addressing the many aspects of health and wellness in underserved communities in the Greater Philadelphia area, whether it’s creating community gardens or providing nutritious meals to families in need. With over 900 trained volunteers who contribute more than 75,000 hours of service worth an estimated $1.5 million annually, the JLP empowers women volunteers to make meaningful change happen within the communities it proudly serves.
PRESS RELEASE: The Junior League of Philadelphia is Looking Forward to a Fall Filled with Fundraising

The Junior League of Philadelphia is Looking Forward to a Fall Filled with Fundraising

The Long-Standing Women’s Organization to Participate in Ardmore Day and Host Fall Fête

Philadelphia, PA (October 19, 2023) – In October, the Junior League of Philadelphia (JLP) Thrift Shop will be participating in Ardmore Day where proceeds will benefit the JLP’s community projects. The JLP will also be hosting their Fall Fête Fundraising Masquerade where proceeds will fight food insecurity and improve well-being in the Greater Philadelphia community. The Junior League of Philadelphia is committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women, and improving communities through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers.

Three JLP Volunteers at an event in Fall 2023.

The Junior League of Philadelphia was founded in Philadelphia in 1912 and is a member of The Association of Junior Leagues International (AJLI) which is comprised of 293 Junior Leagues throughout the U.S., Canada, Mexico, and the U.K. The Philadelphia chapter brings their mission to life through volunteerism, networking, and professional development. Specifically, The Junior League of Philadelphia works to create a positive impact on the health and wellness of adults and children in the Greater Philadelphia area.

They recently held a Fall Service Weekend from Friday, October 13 to Sunday, October 15. Members volunteered with various community partners including Cathedral Kitchen, Riverbend, Face to Face, and The Jewish Relief Agency.

8 JLP volunteers at a Fall 2023 event. 2 JLP Volunteers at a Fall 2023 event.

On Saturday, October 21, 2023, the Junior League Thrift Shop will be participating in Ardmore Day. The Thrift Shop carries gently used merchandise including designer clothing, shoes, handbags, jewelry, select furniture, household and home décor items, toys, and books. Proceeds from the Shop benefit the JLP’s community projects. For Ardmore Day, the JLP Thrift Shop will be having a sidewalk sale where shoppers will receive a $5 coupon for purchases of $20+ and a $10 coupon for purchases of $50+. The Thrift Shop is located at 25 West Lancaster Avenue, Ardmore, PA 19003.

Photo of JLP Thrift Shop

Then on Friday, October 27, 2023, the League will host their Fall Fête Fundraising Masquerade, a cocktail party where the funds from ticket sales and the auction fund the league’s efforts to fight food insecurity and improve well-being in the Greater Philadelphia community. The event is for JLP members only and their guests. It is an exclusive opportunity to network while enjoying cocktails, heavy hors d’oeuvres, a silent auction, and much more!

President Stephanie Lippincott believes joining the JLP was a life-changing experience for herself. She explained that she has “developed a true passion for community service, learned so much about the world around me, have grown as an individual, and have made life-long friends”. In the future, she hopes that the organization can “continue to make progress against Food Insecurity while empowering community members to take charge of their health and well-being.” The JLP’s goal is to help alleviate not just hunger, but the related disparities.

For more information, please visit their website. Stay up to date with the organization’s events and news by following their InstagramFacebook, and Twitter. For media inquiries and/or interview requests, please contact

About The Junior League of Philadelphia

The Junior League of Philadelphia, Inc. (JLP) is an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women, and improving communities through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable. The JLP welcomes all women who value its mission. We are committed to inclusive environments of diverse individuals, organizations, and communities. Since 1912, the JLP has been committed to addressing the many aspects of health and wellness in underserved communities in the Greater Philadelphia area, whether it’s creating community gardens or providing nutritious meals to families in need. With over 900 trained volunteers who contribute more than 75,000 hours of service worth an estimated $1.5 million annually, the JLP empowers women volunteers to make meaningful change happen within the communities it proudly serves.

Introducing The JLP Works Blog

“What is our purpose?” At our first Hotline Co-Chairs meeting, we knew we had a strong heritage to uphold with this publication. So, we kept coming back to this core purpose, looking to ground ourselves in our forthcoming roles.

The Hotline, our print newspaper, has a longstanding significance for the Junior League of Philadelphia (JLP). The pre-social medium, it kept the pulse of all our goings-on, from weddings and births and all our League activities. And it was, and continues to be, an important way to bridge the Sustaining Members and Active Members.

We realize if the Hotline serves as such a major channel of communication for the JLP, perhaps there is some opportunity to expand on our workas incoming Hotline Chairs: How can we capture all of our League’s hard work in photos? How can we celebrate events and happenings in a timelier manner? How can we highlight our efforts for potential members and the community? And what about showcasing our non-profit partners?

With this in mind, we decided it was time to expand on the enduring work of the Hotline. Don’t worry, we are still committed to publishing our multi-issue print piece. But, in addition, we also rolled out this coordinating blog on our JLP website to house all our photos and timely updates. We also coined a new name for these two sister publications, The JLP Works, paying homage to both our collective work as an organization and our heritage aiding the renovation of Philadelphia’s historic Fairmont Waterworks building in the 1970s.

To submit photos and content to either the blog or biannual print publication, please contact us at or reach out to your committee’s Hotline liaison. Our goal this year is to ensure all our committees and their works are celebrated in print.

More to come,

Victoria Denaro & Serena Zelezny

P.S. Many thanks to Jamila Robinson, last year’s Hotline Chair, for laying the foundation for us. We also offer a nod of gratitude to our Council Chair, Veronica Gillenwater, the Management Council, and the Sustainer Leadership Council for their support as we expand the impact of this publication, to our 2023-2024 Committee for its willingness to forge this path with us, and to the Website and Brand & Marketing Committees for partnering with us to bolster our League communication – we’re looking forward to it!

Kids in the Kitchen Committee Cooks Up an Educational Storm

JLP Kids in the Kitchen program

Our Foods to Families: Kids in the Kitchen Committee has been busy over the past few months. They’ve been planning six-week long curriculum plans over the summer to be used for Methodist Services Kids in the Kitchen program. “We really hit the ground running with our first meeting in August. We do a lot of the leg work earlier and try to reach out to those in the committee often with updates,” said Committee Co-Chair Laura Riechl.

Compared to last year, the committee has focused on preparing as much as possible in advance to ensure an impact-filled Junior League year. “We try to get things planned ahead of time, so we have something to work with, because once they start the program with the kids, there isn’t a lot of time to reorient,” said Co-Chair Monica DiRenzo.

The program educates Philadelphia-area children on the delightful and creative aspects of making healthy food enjoyable. In addition to providing curriculum, every week the committee also supplies cutlery and food to go along with the lesson. Carole Boughter, the executive director of Methodist Services, emphasized the impact the JLP has made on their organization: “The Junior League of Philadelphia has been instrumental in helping Methodist Services shape effective learning mechanisms for students and instructors.”

In September, the committee held a special event at Methodist Services, providing a behind-the-scenes perspective of how Methodist Services programs, such as Kids in the Kitchen, aid in the battle against food insecurity. DiRenzo thought it was a valuable opportunity for members of the League to see the inner workings of Methodist Services.

Over the years the Kids in the Kitchen Committee has modified and evolved their program based on the needs of Methodist Services and has grown to become an integral part of their organization. “It’s really amazing to see what our partners do and the good things they have to say about the Junior League,” Laura Riechl said. She noted Methodist Services recently built a community garden with funds supplied by a grant from the JLP.

Methodist Services and the Kids in the Kitchen alike are excited to what is ahead of them in the new year.