Author: Kat Swift

JLP COVID Policy Update

JLP COVID Policy Update

The Junior League of Philadelphia, Inc. has updated their COVID-19 Risk Acknowledgement and Waiver. This document reflects the current CDC and local health department guidelines and is in place to protect all JLP members, partners, vendors, and the community. The waiver is required to be completed by all who attend JLP events, whether at JLP HQ or elsewhere. The waiver is available at all JLP events and on the members page of the JLP website.

International Women’s Day Tea Party

International Women’s Day, March 8, is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating women’s equality. This year’s theme is “Break the Bias.”

On Sunday, March 6, the Thrift Shop Committee will be hosting a tea to celebrate the achievements of women and our League. The event will consist of a “History of Royal Cuisine and Tea,” with Jennifer G. Morgan, JLP Past President and Sustainer, a talk with Kristin Contino, local author of “A House Full of Windsor,” who will discuss the role of The Queen and women in the royal family along with her book’s connection to Philadelphia, and a discussion about the achievements of our League year.

We are offering a pickup of afternoon tea boxes which include eight tea sandwiches, a scone, three pastries, and tea to brew at home. For an additional amount, you can purchase a teacup and saucer set from the Thrift Shop and receive one Ways & Means Credit for the event. Or, you can brew your own tea, or pick up from your favorite local café, and join us for the virtual event. All participants will be entered in a drawing to win a fabulous gift from the Thrift Shop.

Pickup locations for the boxed afternoon tea will be at the Thrift Shop on Saturday, March 5 and in the Fairmount section of Philadelphia on Sunday, March 6. Both locations will require a mask for pickup.

The event is open to all. Members may invite guests; however, tickets must be purchased on the member site. Venture in the Thrift Shop for tea-related outfits, teacups and more! The Thrift Shop will be open during the Saturday tea box pickup. After the event, we hope to see members posting on social media using the #spilltheteawithjlp hashtag to celebrate.

Ticket prices for the virtual event are: $10 Virtual event only; $35 Virtual event plus Afternoon Tea box from A Taste of Britain; $45 Virtual event plus Afternoon Tea box, teacup and saucer set, and one Ways and Means Credit. Click here to purchase tickets.



2021 AJLI Award for Community Impact

At The Association of Junior Leagues International’s Centennial Summit in October, The Junior League of Philadelphia, Inc.’s 2021 AJLI Award for Community Impact was recognized.

We are so honored to have had our Immediate Past President Aronté Bennett and immediate past Vice President of Community Stefanie Robinson represent the JLP in this video, which describes our Apple a Day Healthy Living InitiativeTM.

JLP COVID-19 Risk Acknowledgement and Waiver Update

JLP COVID Policy Update

The Junior League of Philadelphia, Inc. has updated their COVID-19 Risk Acknowledgement and Waiver. This document reflects the current CDC and local health department guidelines and is in place to protect all JLP members, partners, vendors, and the community. The waiver is required to be completed by all who attend JLP events, whether at JLP HQ or elsewhere. The waiver is available at all JLP events and on the members page of the JLP website.

1 Dress, 5 Days, A World of Difference!


The focus of the Little Black Dress Initiative (LBDI) is to raise funds for community organizations that focus on eliminating food insecurity. This year, The Junior League of Philadelphia, Inc.(JLP) will host its third annual campaign from October 11-15, 2021. Participants will wear a black dress or black outfit for five consecutive days as a visible symbol of participation and to start conversations and raise awareness about food insecurity in the Philadelphia area. Participants will also use social media to solicit funds from family, friends, and coworkers. This will allow the JLP to donate to our four selected partner organizations.

JLP members can register to participate through the member portal and they will receive the LBDI participant communication package. All are welcome to contribute at

The recipients of our fundraising efforts this year will be The Food Trust, Face to Face, Methodist Services and The Philadelphia Orchard Project. All selected organizations are aligned with the mission and goals of the JLP’s Apple A Day Healthy Living Initiative™.

The Food Trust
The Food Trust works to ensure that all Philadelphians have access to affordable, nutritious food and information to make healthy decisions. They partner with neighborhoods, schools, grocers, farmers, and policymakers to improve food access by combining nutrition education and greater availability of affordable, healthy food. With your donation The Food Trust will be able to send a classroom of Kindergartners home with four weekends worth of fresh produce for their families.

Face To Face
Face To Face has been serving the Germantown neighborhood of Philadelphia for over 20 years. They are a human services organization that is dedicated to the health, well-being, and stability of the community. They offer a dining room with freshly-prepared meals, a nurse-managed Health Center, a Legal Center, a Social Services Center, a ‘washeteria,’ early childhood education, summer camps, after school programs. Face to Face serves 2,500 individuals and families annually.

Methodist Services
Serving an average 2,800 children, individuals and families, annually, Methodist Services is devoted to the well-being of children in all walks of life. By providing access to a safe home and family life, health of mind and body, children, adults and families can achieve their greatest potential. It is with these supports that our most vulnerable citizens can make contributions that have a positive impact in our communities.

Philadelphia Orchard Project
Founded in 2007 by economic development pioneer Paul Glover, POP is part of a growing movement across the world to develop more sustainable, equitable, and ethical local food systems. Philadelphia is one of the centers of this work, with some 40,000 vacant lots and the highest poverty rate among big cities in America. As the cost of energy, food, and health care rises, the low-wealth neighborhoods where POP plants are the most vulnerable to hunger and related health problems. Orchards and community vegetable gardens offer neighborhoods the most direct access to healthy food, and build people’s capacity to feed their families and neighbors.

We look forward to your participation in helping us achieve our fundraising goal of $20,000!

JLP COVID Policy Update

JLP COVID Policy Update

The Board of Directors of the Junior League of Philadelphia, Inc. has updated the JLP’s Reopening Policy to provide that the JLP will follow the most conservative of state and/or local ordinances and regulations as well as CDC guidelines.

Presently, CDC guidelines recommend masking indoors for Philadelphia and Montgomery Counties. As a result, masks will be required for indoor events at this time.

We will continue to keep membership informed as any of these ordinances, regulations, and/or guidelines change and it affects our Reopening Policy.

Summer Recruitment Events

The Junior League of Philadelphia, Inc. is currently accepting New Members for the 2021-2022 League year. Join us at one of our upcoming recruitment events, listed below. to learn more about the League and how you can be a part of it! For more information visit or email

Tuesday, July 27, 6:30pm – 8:30pm, at Urban Village Brewing, click here to sign up

Sunday, August 8, 3:30pm – 5pm at A Taste of Britain, click here to sign up

Thursday, Aug 19, 6:30pm – 8:30pm at the Art Museum Back Lawn, click here to sign up

Monday, August 23, 6:30pm – 8:30pm, Virtual/on Zoom, click here to sign up

Wednesday, Sep 15, 6:30pm – 7:30pm, Virtual/on Zoom, click here to sign up

The Junior League of Philadelphia, Inc. Recognizes Pride Month

As our new League year begins, we are thrilled to work with other Junior Leagues across the world as we prepare our members to serve in our communities. We welcome all who value our Mission, and we are committed to inclusive environments of diverse individuals, organizations, and communities.

Together, we will serve as the undeterred voices for action, justice, and change.

Pride month is an opportunity to advocate for inclusion and equity for the LGBTQ+ within our league and our communities. It is also a reminder to practice our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, and create opportunities for engagement wherever and whenever we can.

The Junior League of Philadelphia, Inc.’s Kids in the Kitchen Program Recognized by After-School All-Stars

At After-School All-Stars Philadelphia & Camden (ASAS)’s Annual Meeting on June 3, 2021, The Junior League of Philadelphia, Inc.’s Kids in the Kitchen (KITK) Program was honored as ASAS’s Outstanding Program Partner. ASAS is an innovative extended-day program available to children in Philadelphia and Camden. They provide classes and activities to enrich the student’s school experience and inspire students towards lifelong learning. The KITK Committee has worked with ASAS for the past few years and, during the pandemic, worked creatively to keep students engaged and to continue to promote healthy eating, in alignment with the JLP’s Apple a Day Healthy Living Initiative ™. The KITK program has been a positive addition to ASAS’s holistic after-school enrichment programming.