“One ought, every day at least, to hear a little song, read a good poem, see a fine picture…” — said Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
The Sustainer day trip on October 16 accomplished seeing a fine picture, as Goethe suggests. About 10 Sustainers gathered to view the Keen Collection of Outside Art at the Bethany Mission in the Spring Garden neighborhood of Philadelphia. This private collection is owned by Victor Keen. The artists featured in Outside Art are self-taught and untrained in traditional methods.
The collection includes over 100 works of outside art, as well as several displays of antique radios, toasters, and toys. The tour was led by Molly Dougherty, Development Director, who shared touching stories about the lives and tragedies of the artists. Victor Keen also joined our tour, providing further insight into the art. The Keen Collection is truly a gem in the Philadelphia art community.