Day: February 12, 2025

What Does It Mean to Be a Sustainer in the JLP?

by JLP Works writer Corienne Myslinski

If you’re like me, you’ve heard about Sustainer members of the Junior League of Philadelphia, but what exactly does it mean to be one? More importantly, how do you become one?

According to the JLP Bylaws, “Sustainer members are those members of the League who have elected to retire from Active service.” However, I feel the word “retire” here needs additional context. When I think of retiring, I think of no longer working or being a part of the workplace. That’s not quite the case for Sustainers in the JLP. As Sustainer Kelli Friedrichs Brown explained to me, being a Sustainer allows for greater flexibility with involvement in the League.

This explanation makes sense. On the JLP website, you’ll find a Sustainer Leadership Council Chair on the Board of Directors, a Sustainer Leadership Council Chair-Elect on the Management Council, and the Sustainer Leadership Council itself. Clearly, there’s room to stay involved as a Sustainer, but it seems there’s also flexibility in how involved you choose to be.

What Are the Requirements to Be a Sustainer?

Sustainers do have requirements. They pay dues – currently $145 per year – and complete volunteer clearances. Additional details are in the JLP Policies & Procedures (P&Ps) document.

If you love being part of the JLP but want more choice in your level of commitment, becoming a Sustainer might be right for you. However, there are specific criteria you need to meet. According to the Bylaw(s):

A member may become a Sustainer at the end of a League year if they have completed a minimum of 10 years of Active service.

Alternatively, a member may qualify if they reach age 40 by April 30 of their anticipated last year of Active service and have completed at least five years of Active service.

Leaves of Absence and Non-Resident Status do not count toward Active service years.

A member must be in good standing when requesting a change to Sustainer status.

How to Learn More

Want to read more? Log into Digital Cheetah, navigate to the “Resources” tab, select “Resources” from the drop-down menu, and click on “Important Documents.” The Bylaws and P&Ps are listed under “Governing Documents.”

How to Change Your Status

If you meet the requirements and would like to update your member status for the next League year, start the process by emailing the Office Administrator at The details are in the P&Ps.

Can Sustainers Return to Active Status?

Wondering if you can return to Active status after becoming a Sustainer? Fret not, any Sustainer may return to Active status by writing to to learn more about how to change your status.

Interested in learning more before making the change in member status? Contact the VP of Membership at